jConf Recap, Upcoming talks and Spring Office Hours

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. After traveling to Dallas last week for jConf I'm home for a week and looking forward to getting caught up on some work. It's been a long time (almost 2 months) since I last posted a video on my YouTube channel. I have a pretty good backlog of videos that are ready to go and that will be my focus this week.


Last week on Spring Office Hours DaShaun and I were joined by special guest Anthony Dahanne. Anthony is the Montreal Java User Group organizer and Buildpacks expert. In this episode we discussed why "Friends don't let friends use Docker files". You can catch the replay below or visit www.springofficehours.io to listen to the podcast version.


As I mentioned earlier I traveled to Dallas last week for jConf. The conference was held at the Courtyard Dallas in Allen TX which was about 40 minutes away from the airport. I thought the hotel's location was really nice. There were a bunch of great restaurants and shopping all within walking distance which is always a bonus.

This was a really quick trip for me. I got in Tuesday afternoon and had to leave Wednesday evening. I was happy to get in Tuesday early enough to attend the Speaker dinner. I was immediately happy to see so many familiar faces. I have made some pretty good friends on the speaker circuit, and it was great to catch up with some of them.

jConf Speaker Dinner

jConf Speaker Dinner

Wednesday morning the conference started and I dropped by a few sessions. After that I was up in the afternoon and ready to talk about Spring AI.

I have given a version of this talk a lot over the last year or so but I decided to rewrite it from the ground up based on what I have learned this year and because It needed a refresh. I thought this session went really well and I got a bunch of really great questions. My friend Chandra said he had an excuse for not being there and captured the overflow into the hallway. Thank you to everyone who joined my session for your attention, time and wonderful questions.

jConf Speaker Dinner

jConf Speaker Dinner


Speaking of conferences I just found out that I was selected to speak at CodeMash next year. I'm a huge fan of this conference for many reasons. First off it is practically in my backyard about an hour away in Sandusky OH. Next the kids love going to this conference because it's in a water park, and they have a kids track. Finally, I am a big fan of the diverse amount of content. Looking forward to seeing everyone in beautiful Sandusky OH in January where I'm sure it will be snowing and very cold 🥶

CodeMash 2025


This week on Spring Office Hours we are joined by Chris Bono from the Spring Team. I happened to see Chris last week at jConf and I'm very much looking forward to talking with him this week. Chris is part of the team that delivers Spring Cloud Data Flow, Spring for Apache Pulsar, Spring Cloud Stream and more. If you're available you can join us for the live stream today from 1-2 PM EDT or catch the replay or podcast wherever you get your podcasts. If you are a podcast subscriber please do us a favor and leave us a review.



There was a conference around the programming language Swift. One of the news items to come out of that conference was some Swift/Java interoperability. It looks like these sessions were recorded but just haven't been posted yet. I find this pretty interesting and I want to learn a little bit more about this.

William Deblauwe announced that his book "Modern frontends with htmx" is now available in print. This is an awesome book that will introduce you to htmx and how to get started with it in Spring Boot.

Until Next Week

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter installment, and I will talk to you in the next one. If you have any links you would like me to include please contact me and I might add them to a future newsletter. I hope you have a great week and as always friends...

Happy Coding,
Dan Vega