Hello Atlanta, Java 22 and a BIG YouTube Milestone

Happy Monday and welcome to another edition of the newsletter. While Spring has officially arrived here in Northeast Ohio we are still seeing snow and temps in the 20s. This week's forecast is starting to look a little better as we are getting ready to celebrate Easter. We had an Easter egg hunt this past weekend and the girls had a blast!

Easter Girls

Easter Family

Major League Baseball starts back up this week and I always look forward to this time of year. I know I’m beginning to sound like a broken record but my physical and mental health need this cold weather to move on to wherever it goes. In this edition of the newsletter I want to tell you about my trip down to Atlanta for the Atlanta Java User Group meetup, the release of Java 22 and I crossed a huge milestone on YouTube.

My trip to Atlanta

I took a quick trip down to Atlanta for a meetup at the Atlanta Java User Group. I have a lot of friends in Atlanta, so I would always see pictures of the meetups and really wanted to get there one day. I got to the venue a little bit earlier and to my surprise Neal Ford was there. Neal is the author of so many books that line my bookshelf, so it was really great to meet him. I also had an opportunity to sit down with my friend Glenn and that was really nice to catch up with him for a little bit.

Dan + Neal

Dan + Neal + Glenn

I gave a talk on Spring Boot 3 and Beyond, and it was about half slides and half coding. I thought the presentation went really well with everyone asking some really amazing questions. The crowd was amazing and I really fed off of it. After the presentation I had some time to chat with a lot of folks, and it was a really great time.

Atlanta JUG Crowd

I really want to thank the AJUG for having me and for everyone that was in attendance. It really was an awesome crowd and I feel honored to have been there.

O’Reilly - Spring Recipes

The very next morning at 9 AM EDT I had a training for the O’Reilly Learning Platform. This was a 4-hour training on “Spring Recipes - Practical Solutions to common problems” with my good friend Nate Schutta. I wouldn’t have time to get home, so I had a little bit of a traveling setup ready to go in my hotel room. The hotel room Wi-Fi was good and I thought the training went really well. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

My Hotel Setup

Java 22

Java 22 was released last week, and it's already available as on option on the Spring Initalizr! If you want to learn more about it, you can check out the release notes. The team at Oracle had a really great release party where they went through the new features on a live stream that was almost 5 hours long. If you haven't had a chance to check it you can watch the recording below.

If you want to learn more you can check out Spring Office Hours this week as DaShaun and I will discuss Java 22 and Spring Boot 3.3.

YouTube Milestone

I crossed a pretty big milestone this past week passing 50k subscribers on YouTube! Funny enough my wife informed me she wasn't subscribed, so we were able to time it out, and she was my 50,000 subscriber.


We went out to one of our favorite restaurants that evening. They were so nice and gave me this really cool card and dessert!

50k Card

50k Dessert

I had so many people reach out to me and say some really nice things and I can't thank you all enough. YouTube, Java and Spring are really great communities to be a part of and I feel very lucky that I get to do this every day!

freeCode Camp Course is Live

If you missed it my 3.5 hour course on Spring Boot 3 is now live on freeCodeCamp. Beau from freeCodeCamp also wrote up a really nice blog post that you can check out. This video has gotten 70,000 views in the first week which is really mind-blowing 🤯 Thank you to everyone who has given this a watch and had something nice to say about it.

What’s happening this week

This week I'm putting the final touches on my Spring AI talk for my friends at IntelliJ. In this presentation I will be covering some of the fundamentals of AI and how to get started with Spring AI. If you're interested please register for free and I will see you on Thursday!


Until Next Week

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter installment, and I will talk to you in the next one. If you have any links you would like me to include please contact me and I might add them to a future newsletter. I hope you have a great week and as always friends...

Happy Coding
Dan Vega
[email protected]